Friday, January 10, 2020

The Effects of Performance Appraisal on Organizational & Employee Performance

The Effects of Performance Appraisal on Organizational & Employee Performance

Performance appraisal doesn't benefit only employees (Strauss, & Shore, 2008). Organizations that use the results of performance appraisal to identify areas of strength and opportunity can benefit as well. Performance appraisal can provide an indication of areas of training need as well as direction for leadership development, performance improvement and succession planning ( Kuvaas, 2006).
The employee performance appraisal is an important career development tool for the manager and employee (Fletcher,  2001). The manager can help guide the employee on the path to corporate advancement, and the employee gets a clearer understanding of what is expected from her in her daily job duties. Performance appraisals have a wide variety of effects on employees that managers must identify and understand ( Javotz, 2006).

Table 01 : The Effects of Performance Appraisal on Organizational & Employee Performance 
Effects on Organizational Performance
Effects on Employee Performance
Identifying Areas of Strength
Identifying Training Needs
Leadership Development and Succession Planning
Take Responsibility


(Source : Mamatoglu , 2008)

Methods of Performance Evaluation

A comprehensive employee appraisal is often made up of several different methods of performance evaluation (Armstrong, 2010). Employer can choose to use just one evaluation process when judging an employee's performance, but when you use multiple evaluation methods employer is able to get a broader picture of the areas where the employee needs improvement and what recommendations manager should make to support employee development (Armstrong, 2010).
Self-Evaluations and Reviews
The self-evaluation is often effective when teamed up with a performance review. The employee is asked to judge his own performance by using a form that requires multiple choice answers, essay-type answers or a combination of the two. One of the benefits of a self-evaluation is that employer can compare the self-evaluation to your own appraisal and see the areas where there is a discrepancy in an understanding of employee performance. This opens up conversations that can be beneficial to employee development.

360 Evaluation

An employee's development consists of progress made within employee’s own department, and the effectiveness of employee’s interactions with the rest of the company (Mamatoglu, 2008). A 360 degree performance evaluation is one that involves input from managers in other departments that the employee works with on a regular basis. Employees are evaluated on their effectiveness within their own department based on their job descriptions, and employees are also evaluated based on how effectively employee work with the rest of the company (Mamatoglu, 2008).

Graphic Scale

The graphic scale of performance evaluation is commonly used by managers (Fox, 1991). The employee's performance in various areas of his job duties is graded on a scale. The value in a graphic evaluation system is that it allows manager to compare the performance of several employees simultaneously (Fox, 1991). The system can be done with numbers or letters, and it usually consists of a range, running from poor to excellent.

Checklist Evaluation Method

A checklist evaluation method is simplistic but effective (Mamatglu, 2008). Checklist evaluation method consists of a series of performance questions that are traditionally given the option of yes or no. An excessive number of negative responses indicates developmental training is needed for that employee. The checklist can be used as a quick way to identify employees that have deficiencies in too many performance areas (Mamatglu, 2008).

Critical Incident

Keep an ongoing log throughout the year of an employee's performance, and then use that information to fuel discussion during the employee performance review (Fox, 1991). This method of keeping a list of good and bad incidents of employee performance is known as critical incident evaluation (Fox, 1991).
Advantages and Disadvantages of performance appraisals
Table 2.0: Advantages and Disadvantages of Performance Appraisals
Create Negative Experience
Time Consuming
Natural Biases
Clarify expectation
Waste of Time
Annual Planning
Stressful work place

(Source: Crawford, 2003)

Boswell, W.R., & Boudreau, J.W. (2000) ‘Employee Satisfaction with performance appraisal and appraisers’. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 11 (3), p.283-289
Brown , M & John S. Heywood. (2005). Performance Appraisal Systems: Determinants and Change. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 43 (4), p.659-679
Daley,-Dennis-M (1984). Differing perceptions between men and women over personnel management practices: Gender-related differences among Iowa public employees. Public-Personnel-Management. 13(3),345-354.
Guido M.J. de Koning (2004). Evaluating Employee Performance: The most effective approaches: staffing reviews and performance outcome measurement. Management journal,
Cocheu,-Ted (1986). Performance appraisal: A case in points. Personnel-Journal. 65(9), 48-55.
Herman Steensma and Lisette Otto(2000). Perception of Performance Appraisal by Employees and Supervisors: Self-Serving Bias and Procedural Justice. Journal of Collective Negotiations(formerly  Journal of Collective Negotiations in the Public Sector), 29 (4), 307-319.
Javotz, D. (2006), Appraising Employe Performance. Management Services, Autumn, 19-20 ( 
Kamalanabhan,-T.-J.; Kaliappan,-K.-V. (1985). An evaluation of self appraisal and performance appraisal among specialist officers in a nationalised bank. Journal-of-Psychological-Researches 29(2), 86-92.
Lee,-Cynthia (1985). Increasing performance appraisal effectiveness: Matching task types, appraisal process, and rater training. Academy-of-Management-Review.10(2), 322-331.


  1. Dear Ajantha , You have well communicated importance of performance appraisal to the organization even employee. Thus As one of the most important functions of the HRM, performance appraisal plays a big role in the success of the organizations’ HRM. Performance appraisal affects the productivity and competitiveness of organization, the results of performance appraisal is an important indicator of personnel decisions and effectively performance appraisal leads to better staff management. Performance appraisal has a big importance to either private or public sector organizations and an effectively performance appraisal system does offers great help for either private or public sector organizations to achieve strategic goals. However, since the complicated relationship within the organizations and the complications in establishing well-designed appraisal system, performance appraisal cannot always be effective and useful as we expected it. In one word, establishing an effective appraisal system is not an easy task and it can never be completed overnight (Caruth and Humphreys, 2008). The only way to develop a useful and effective performance appraisal system is to work hard, think carefully, plan seriously and design accurately as what Rother Homes has done, it is not easy but is definitely worth to do.

    1. Hi Sumedha, Your comments on my blog are mostly welcome and well valid. Agreed with your comments. Organizations that use the results of performance appraisal to identify areas of strength and opportunity can benefit as well. Performance appraisal can provide an indication of areas of training need as well as direction for leadership development, performance improvement and succession planning. The results of performance appraisal can be assessed to identify areas of strong performance across all employees, by department or by demographics. Standardized performance assessments allow companies to aggregate, calculate and analyze results to show where performance is strong. These areas of strength then can serve as benchmarks and opportunities for sharing of best practices for other areas of the organization (Roberts and Reed, 1996).

  2. Hi Ajantha, your blog on importance of effective performance appraisal is well structured and it provides a lot of valuable information on effective performance appraisal. As you have correctly mentioned, using multiple performance evaluation methods provide a broader picture and 360 degree evaluation can be considered as one of the effective method of performance evaluation. This multi-source appraisal method helps organizations better manage employee performance. However, it should not be assumed that these systems will always accomplish the goals intended to address (Denisi and Kluger, 2000).

  3. Hi Ajantha, Your blog gives proper understanding about the performance management system, according to Rudman (2003) performance management system is a means of integrating HRM activities with the business objectives of the organization, where management and HR activities are working together to influence individual and collective behavior to support the organization's strategy. Therefore always it must be linked with organization's strategy

  4. Hi Ajantha,Great work on Performance Appraisal well illustrated with a proper flow of data.A performance appraisal is a regular review of an employee's job performance and overall contribution to a company. According to Hossain(2014)Here are few objectives of Performance Appraisal tool
    -To provide a feedback to employees regarding their performance and related status.
    -To maintain records in order to determine compensation packages, wage structure, salaries raises.
    -To review and retain the promotional and other training programs.
    -It serves as a basis for influencing working habits of the employees

  5. From Udeni
    You have well organized the blog on importance of effective performance appraisal. When we considered the history of the performance appraisal, 'Performance Appraisal became a widely used management tool in business around 1980's. Its modern uses had previously been restricted to Army Officers and Senior Management' (Taylor, 2005, p291). However appraisal has been present throughout history and has advanced significantly over time.

    According to Redman and Wilkinson (2009)the critics of performance appraisal believe it is an expensive process, that it can cause conflict between the appraiser and appraisee, is not hugely valuable and might also be debilitating the development of employee performance. Carroll and Schneier's (1982) research established that performance appraisal ranks as the most unpopular managerial activity.

    Considering the prevailing situation in the banking sector, it is noted that performance appraisal system is not the popular tool of the management to do the annual appraisal of their employees to betterment of the organization and also for the employee motivation.

  6. Hi Ajantha, Nice blog related to one of the most important subject in an organization. PA may lead to have many benefits to the organization and the employees as well. "Employees are reluctant to confide any limitations to and concerns with their
    current performance as this could impact on their merit-related reward or promotion" (Newton and Findley, 1996, p.43).

  7. Hi. Ajantha, furthermore it is vital to grasp that challenges are avail in any organization related to Performance Appraisal. The evaluation may not be in a way that reflect actual performance due to fear. If the evaluation system is poor, it will not give adequate effect and result about the actual performance of employees. Rater’s problems like leniency or harshness error, central tendency error, personal bias error, contrast error are also affecting the performance appraisal of an employee (Rasch 2004).

  8. Agreed with your statement; planning and proper implementation is necessary for a successful performance appraisal, which benefits both the employer and employee.The best performance appraisals offer positive feedback and advice for improvement, and typically consist of a conversation between management and the employee (Martin, 2018).
