Friday, January 10, 2020


Performance appraisal is the systematic evaluation of employees with respect to their performance on their job and their potential for development. In other words, it is theprocess of measuring productivity in terms of efficiency and effectiveness (Brumbatch 1988).
The performance appraisal may be one of the few times during the year where an employee and the reviewer, typically the employee's supervisor, can sit down and have a lengthy face-to-face discussion about all aspects of the job (Asmu , 2008). Thus, the appraisal can serve a number of important functions. If done effectively, the appraisal can offer a large degree of satisfaction for both the employee and the reviewer. (Benadin et al 1995).
Most employees are interested in knowing how well employees are doing at present and how employees can do better in a future. Employee want this information to improve their performance in order to get promotions and merit pay. Proper performance feedback can improve the employee’s future performance. It also gives employee satisfaction and motivation (Bates and Holton,1995).

Video Clip 01 - Performance Appraisal

                                            (Source : Gregg , 2018)

Armstrong,M.(2014) Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource Management practice.13th edition.London: kogan page
Bhatia,-S.-K.(1981). Trends in performance appraisal. Indian-Journal-of-Industrial-Relations. 17(1), p.111-119
Daley,-Dennis M (1983).Performance appraisal as a guide for training and development:A research note on the Iowa performance evaluation system. Public-Personnel-Management. 12(2): 159-166.
Kaye,-Beverly; Krantz,-Shelle (1983). Performance appraisal: A win/win approach.Training-and-Development-Journal.37(3), 32-35.


  1. Hi, Ajantha, An organization is effective to the degree to which it achieves its goals. An effective organization will make sure that there is a spirit of cooperation and sense of commitment and satisfaction within the sphere of it influence.Employee training and development has emerged as a major educational enterprise over the past three decades.
    This increase is associated with a demand in the workplace for employee at all levels to improve performance in their present jobs to acquire skills and knowledge to do new jobs, and to continue their career progress in a changing world of work (Armstrong, 2001; Craig, 1987). Therefore performance appraisal will help the employee to inline him self according to situations that will lead to monitor the efficiency of the workforce effectively.

    1. Hi Lasitha , You have mentioned how help the Performance appraisal if i endorsed further , Depending on the role, formal employee training may be required to ensure competency and even excellence. Create a knowledge-base of critical information and best practices to pass on to new hires as you grow your team. This will be time-consuming at first, but will pay off in the long run.
